Two preschoolers hold hands while running outside.  Another preschooler is in the background jumping on a child size trampoline.
Rectangle Introduction to Head Start Center for Inclusion

A variety of resources that support early childhood educators to ensure that children with disabilities can participate as full members of their learning communities.

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Training Materials

Teach evidence-based, inclusive practices in early learning environments using these multimedia, professional development materials and packages.

Tipsheets icone

Tip Sheets

Increase child participation and adult learning with these high-impact teaching and learning tools.

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Tools and Supports

Increase child participation and adult learning using these high-impact teaching and learning tools.

HSCI Favorites

Child pointing to a figure on a chart

Use these visuals in your learning environment to promote children’s participation, development, and sense of belonging.

Print version of Circle Time Magazine on a table

Learn all about positive behavior support in Season 2 of this fun and dynamic professional development web series.

Baby crawling on the ground

Take a look at several new professional development resources specific to supporting infants and toddlers!

Footer wave Fun wavy graphic
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Contact Us

5001 25th Ave NE #201e Seattle, WA 98105 | UW Box # 354238


© 2024 Head Start Center for Inclusion, University of Washington
