Extended Professional Development Packages
These flexible, user-friendly PD packages, also known as training modules, are designed to increase knowledge and implementation of effective teaching practices. They are intended to be used for adult learning opportunities lasting a half day or more, and can be modified based on your audience and available time.
Examine the foundation of the HSCI framework for effective practice, creating a high-quality early childhood program, and explore approaches to strengthening this foundation.
Expand your use of curriculum modifications with this complete set of training materials.
Develop your expertise on leveraging Embedded Learning Opportunities (ELOs) to support young children's individual goals, with the resources in this training package.
Deepen your understanding of Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams, processes, and implementation with this in-depth set of training materials.
Gain an in-depth understanding of the four elements of Planned Instructional Sequences (PInS) to help you teach discrete skills to young children with disabilities.
© 2025 Head Start Center for Inclusion, University of Washington
Funded by the
Office of Head Start Department of Health & Human Services
This website was developed with funds from Grant #90HC0012 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, and the Office of Child Care by the National Center for Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning. This resource may be duplicated for noncommercial uses without permission.